Goats are highly adapted to a variety of terrains and extreme weather without help from humans. However, maintenance of dairy goats for them to produce good milk requires minimizing the stresses brought by excessive heat and cold, wind and humidity. Goat shelter plans must be able to integrate all these protective roles.
Goat shelter plans are better if constructed from wood because metal and stone materials tend to accumulate water, resulting to the possible development of humidity-related diseases. Open buildings are perfect as long as they are high enough and do not cause strong drafts. Shelters are nearly required when temperature reach levels below 5 degrees Celsius. Goat shelter plans must also have efficient air vents to prevent the buildup of ammonia from the decay of bedding, feces and urine. Insulation is further necessary on the floors because goats tend to lie against cold ground, which often results to colds.
Goat shelter plans must also protect from extremely hot temperatures. Goats tend to seek relief when temperature rises above 32 degrees Celsius. Goats with horns or those from tropical regions can adapt better and experience less stress. Shelters in hot climates must provide good insulation and a lot of airflow through open walls. Trees are perfect coolers and straws or haystack as roofing can provide an insulated shade. Metal roofs may also be possible if they are painted with sunlight reflecting white paint. In some countries, roofs are covered in soil, which are perfect insulators. But they grow grass and can invite goats to feed on the roof.
Goats must be provided with adequate space for them to enjoy exercise. Fence problems may be less of a trouble is there is enough space and plenty of fresh feed. Fences must allow for maximum air circulation during hot weather but must also provide some form of protection during the cold months. Posts are never 1.5 meter apart. The bottom must also be lined to stop kids from crawling from beneath. Chicken wire, barbed wire, and turkey wire can invite trapped heads or horns. Vertical wood columns or bamboo pieces can also cause animals to get stuck.
Are you looking for goat shelter plans? Separate yourself from the usual goat owners who are prone to common mistakes. If you would like to learn more tips on caring for goats and how to raise goats correctly, please visit: http://www.raising-goats.com
Don't forget to claim your FREE "10 Tip About Raising Goats - What You Need To Know Before You Start" eReport!
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