It's estimated that nearly 23 million Americans, and a staggering 300 million worldwide, suffer from asthma. Although asthma is in many cases hereditary, there are ways to help reduce and eliminate your suffering.
What Causes Asthma?
Respiratory viral infections and even the common cold can cause asthma. Heredity can also play a part. However, allergic reactions are the main cause of asthma. The most common allergens include:
Household dust mites
Asthma often results from a combination of allergic and non-allergic reactions. Some of the most common non-allergic reactions or "triggers" include:
Air pollutants and irritants
Smoke & second-hand smoke
Cold air
Emotional upsets
The number of asthma cases has increased significantly in the past decade. Researchers believe the following risk factors are largely to blame:
Increasing populations in large urban areas with environmental pollutants
High exposure to asthma-causing chemicals used in farming and paint, electronics and steel manufacturing
Low birth weight and obesity
Do you have Asthma? I'm Not Sure. How Can I Tell?
This self-assessment test is a good start. Don't write off that nightly cough as "just a cold." And that gasping for air may not be a result of being "out of shape." If you're experiencing any of the following, you could have asthma:
Sometimes I have pain or tightening in my chest.
Sometimes I feel short of breath and/or have coughing spells.
I find myself waking up during the night due to shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing.
I cough or have trouble breathing while going about my daily activities.
When I exercise, I cough and have difficulty breathing.
A cold goes right to my chest, and it's hard to breathe.
Dust, pollen and pets can make it difficult for me to breathe.
Fumes, tobacco smoke, and strong odors make it hard for me to breathe.
This test is by no means a substitute for a full diagnosis of asthma. If you checked any of the above, contact your doctor and set up an appointment.
So you have Asthma, but is it under control?
If you've already been diagnosed with asthma, continue to touch base with your doctor to discuss ways to better manage your condition. Check any of the following if they apply to you:
I use my quick relief asthma inhaler more than once a day.
My quick relief inhaler has lasted for less than three months.
I've been to the emergency room or hospital because of my asthma in the last year.
My asthma medicine causes adverse side effects.
Coughing or wheezing wake me up during the night.
I'm short of breath in the morning.
I cough or wheeze in the morning.
If you checked any of the above, be sure to discuss your situation with your doctor. Don't try to treat asthma yourself and don't settle for feeling better you could feel your best with a different prescription, different dosage or new asthma management techniques.
Learn How To Take Control Of Asthma
Asthma doesn't discriminate. It's a chronic lung condition that affects people of any race, age and sex. At a moment's notice, the life-giving air that we take for granted can be taken away. Yet, thanks to scientists' and doctors' unyielding efforts to improve asthma medications and management techniques, people with asthma are breathing easier.
When Asthma Attacks...
The main passage of your lungs, your bronchial tubes, are inflamed. The muscles of the bronchial walls have tightened, making it difficult for air to move in and out. The result is any one or a combination of the following:
Excess Mucus
Chest Tightness
Diagnosing Asthma
Diagnosing asthma is no easy task. Symptoms are often similar to other lung conditions and can range from mild to very severe. The good news is that when asthma is correctly diagnosed, it can be treated. The diagnosis of asthma by your doctor may include:
A family medical history evaluation
Any parent or relatives with asthma or persistent allergies?
Do you have a history of recurrent and persistent cough?
Physical examination
Listening to lungs with a stethoscope
Examination of nasal passages
Lung function tests
A peak flow meter measures the rate at which you can expel air
Chest x-ray
To exclude the possibilities of breathing problems caused by something other than asthma
Allergy prick test
A skin test that confirms the presence or absence of allergies
A trial use of asthma medication
Here are some great pieces of advice to Preventing Asthma Attacks
Devise an asthma action plan
Follow your doctor's advice for taking medications and handling acute attacks.
Monitor your breathing
Measure your peak air flow regularly
Learn to recognize your own signs of an impending attack.
Treat attacks early on
Quick action on your part can lessen the severity of an attack
Stop whatever may have triggered your attack and take your medication
Asthma Treatment
There are three types of medical treatments available for asthma:
Medications that acutely relieve symptoms or prevent flare-ups
Medications that suppress inflammation
Immunotherapy or allergy desensitization shots
The key to managing and treating your asthma is to work with your doctor as a team to determine the best course of action. While medication is key to controlling asthma, there are several things you can do to prevent attacks:
Exercise to strengthen your heart and lungs
Use your air conditioner to reduce airborn pollens
Use a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity
Clean your home at least once a week to eliminate dust
Respiratory Glossary
Allergen: A substance that causes allergic reactions in people who are allergic to it. The allergens that cause asthma symptoms are typically airborne substances.
Asthma Action/Management Plan: A plan developed by the doctor and agreed to by the patient that outlines preventative and treatment measures for controlling the patient's asthma.
Bronchodilator: A type of drug that relaxes bronchial muscles resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
Compliance: A patient's fulfillment to the health care provider's instructions.
Dose: The exact amount of medicine to be taken at one time or in stated intervals.
Episode: An event, attack, or flare of asthma.
Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI): An inhaler that delivers a pre-measured dose of medicine in mist form into the mouth to be breathed directly into the lungs.
Peak Flow Meter: A simple device that measures the peak flow of air being exhaled, also called the peak expiratory flow rate. It can detect small changes in the airways and forewarn of an impending asthma flare.
Trigger: Substances (dust, mold, pollen, chemicals, etc.) or conditions (colds, infections, gastric juice, etc.) that bother the air passages and cause asthma symptoms.
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