2012年2月29日 星期三

Pick Goa For Your Next Holiday

Eenie, meenie, minie, mo. You've spun the globe round and round, and your finger landed on India. But where should you go in India? The travel agent narrows it down, suggesting the west coast on the Arabian sea. It's a stretch of fine sandy beaches and hidden bays. It's called Goa.

The state of Goa was under the rule of Portugal for 450 years, so in spite of it being part of India, there is very strong evidence of both cultures. Everywhere you look in Old Goa are the architecturally wonderful Mansion Houses, which demonstrate the wealth and power of the Portuguese.

Carnivals, which happen during Christmas and Easter, are an exuberant mixture of religious and cultural traditions. You'll experience Christian influences mingled with the Hindu celebrations of Divali and Holi.

If you're wondering about night life, there's something to please everyone. The larger hotel offer local singers and bands who can tackle selections from the 50's and 60's, as well as what's currently playing on the pop charts. Even if you're staying at a villa or guest house, folk singers can be summoned.

Make the rounds of small restaurants and beach shacks that serve up lobsters, tiger shrimp and crabs, all fresh from the sea. Be sure to enjoy Chinese, Thai, Italian and French food as well, including such specialties as grilled pomfret stuffed with masala stuffing.

When shopping for trinkets or for food, remember that this is a tropical country and most places have a siesta break between 1 pm and 4 pm. Bear this in mind and soon you'll be napping like the natives.

You'll be amused to see the bread man delivering his fragrant loaves by bicycle, not once, but twice everyday. For such things as milk, butter and eggs, head for the shops.

Communication and keeping in touch is not difficult. The common language is English, and most people can speak it. Hindi is the national language, while Konkani is the local language of Goa. The larger hotels and guest houses offer online connections so you can keep up with necessary work, or send and receive emails.

If you are visiting Goa as the calendar heads for the monsoons of summer, be sure and to pack insect spray. Please consult with your doctor, who will recommend the appropriate malaria tablets and sprays and lotions for combating bug bites.

Air temperatures during the most popular months of November, December, January and February stay pretty much around 30 degrees celsius during the day under sunny skies. Evenings cool down a bit to 25 degrees. With lower humidity during this period and lovely sea breezes, air conditioning is not usually needed. This heavenly weather begins to deteriorate about mid April when the temperature and humidity begin to rise once again.

In May, most tourist facilities close as the monsoon season bears down, bringing with it 3.5 meters of rain. These places won't open again until the first part of October. The sea will be rough, and so beach activity is not recommended during this time. However, a pleasant holiday can still be had if you choose air conditioned accommodations with pool access.

In Goa there is no need to remain confined to your resort area. It is generally safe to explore the villages, beaches and countryside by foot, bus, or auto rickshaw. Many villas include a car and driver in their prices as well.

If it's peace and quiet that you seek, you will find it in Goa. In the country you may hear the distant chanting from a Hindu temple, or roosters crowing at dawn. In the villages, daily life goes on, so there will be traffic noise and music from the bars and restaurants.

Over Christmas and New Year, Goa comes alive with dances, music and large family gatherings complete with firecrackers, that may last into the early morning.

Goa is a vacation destination with so much going for it. You can choose accommodation and location to suit your own personal tastes, and then make the most of all that this area has to offer. Choose Goa, you'll be well pleased.

For the perfect Goa holiday visit Lazydays.co.uk where you will find many outstanding Goa apartments and villa rentals. Wrap yourself in solitude, or enjoy the excitement of carnival.

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How to Tell When Your Compressor Needs an Air Dryer

Ask a Question:

Can water or moisture be damaging my compressed air system?


Absolutely! Water corrodes pipes, valves, machinery controls. None of this is good. When controls malfunction, production can stop or product can be impaired and all this costs you time and money.

Water in Aerosol or Vapor form is more difficult to remove and requires the use of a Compressed Air Dryer.

Ask a Question:

How does water or moisture get into my compressed air?


Through your Compressor inlet.

Water vapor (humidity-moisture) enters the air system through the air compressor inlet air filter. The air compressor sucks in approximately 7 cubic feet of atmospheric air at 0 psig, and that volume of air is compressed into 1 cubic feet of air at 100 psig. The water vapor (humidity-moisture) that was in the 7 cubic feet of atmospheric air is now compressed into 1 cubic feet of compressed air.

There are 3 forms of water in compressed air:

-Liquid water

-Aerosol (mist)

-Vapor (gas)

Any of these forms of moisture can create problems down the road in equipment or may create serious problems in your process or end product today.

Ask a Question:

How to tell if you need a Refrigerated Air Dryer?


If you are experiencing the following problems...then you may need a Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer:

-Liquid water is in your air lines and hoses

-Water vapor sprays out of your tool exhaust

-Pipe lines corrode and rust

-Paint Sprayer has water spots in the paint

-Your Equipment Manufacturer specifies "DRY AIR"

Ask a Question:

What can help remove moisture from my Compressed Air System?


Refrigerated Air Dryers can be one of the best solutions to removing water and moisture from your Compressed Air System.

Ask a Question:

How does a Refrigerated Air Dryer Work?


o The refrigerated air dryer cools the incoming compressed air first in an air-to-air heat exchanger where the outgoing cool dry air pre-cools the hot incoming air and condenses some moisture out.

o Then the incoming air enters an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger where the air is cooled to 38º F by the liquid refrigerant. This process causes the moisture to condense into liquid water and it is drained away. The out going air then enters the air-to-air heat exchanger and is warmed up to keep the outside of pipes from sweating.

o The refrigeration compressor pumps hot hi-pressure gas refrigerant (Freon) into the condenser which transfers the heat from the refrigerant gas to the ambient air as the gas condenses into a liquid.

o The liquid refrigerant (Freon) is then metered to a cold low pressure where it enters the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger and the heat from the hot compressed air is adsorbed into the cold refrigerant (Freon). The refrigeration compressor then sucks low pressure hot gas refrigerant (Freon) into the refrigeration compressor and the cycle starts over again.

BOTTOM LINE: If you are experiencing unwanted moisture and water in your Compressed Air System, then seriously consider the addition of a Refrigerated Air Dryer. After all - what is the best way to spend your money --on constant maintenance, failed equipment and ruined end products or by investing in a properly sized compressed air dryer?

Experience proves it! Remove Water and Moisture to improve Compressed Air Quality & Efficiency!

Increase Production - less down time due to moisture related equipment problems
Reduce loss due to inferior products ruined by moisture in lines
Bring more profit to your bottom line

Learn More about Refrigerated Air Dryers www.airdryers.biz

Owned & Operated by
Tommy McGuire
McGuire Air Compressors, Inc.
"Real People with Real Air Compressor Experience"
P.O. Box 1100
Graham NC 27253

Learn more about Industrial Air Compressors. For Geunine Reelcraft Hose Reels: www.hosereels.biz

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Rent a Bridal Party?

Have you ever been in a wedding party? You probably have in some aspect. How about an outdoor wedding? Let me give a little bit of background on my latest "wedding" experience this past weekend. Of course this wedding was all planned out.


If I am anywhere near anything, everything changes. I just have that effect. Kind of like a clogged toilet with no plunger. My wife works with this young lady who was getting married. I have met her once or twice and my wife is not really that close at all to her.

My wife was to be a bride's maid (bride's matron for you politically correct knuckleheads). Somehow within a week of the wedding, my wife became the Maid (Matron)of Honor and somehow I became an usher! The bride-to-be sent a ~txt msg 2 my wfe n axed her to c if I wud b n ushr.~ My wife asked/told me to be an usher and I said, "Why, who died"? Then my wife explained that they only have one other usher and they need another so I said, "no". Why is no a wrong answer?

I get told "NO" all of the time!

Women have a way of beating there men into submission without throwing a single punch or kitchen utensil (had a donut thrown at me once). It is called the "cut-off tactic". Every married person reading this knows exactly what I am talking about.

Women shaking there head up and down saying, "That is right, that is right"!

Men don't lie to yourself. Sitting there saying, "I get it when I want it"! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA---Wake up man!

The cruelest form of torture ever known to man. So I very reluctantly said YES. I will be in any stupid freaking wedding because I am not giving up my vittles!!!!

Do you know how much crap costs for weddings?

It was not even our wedding. We hardly knew them. I asked my wife if we were renewing our vows because we hadn't spent that much money since our own wedding. She told me to "pipe it" (feisty she is---me likes).

I felt like I was handing out money like free "runaway bride" bobble heads at a baseball stadium.

We buy all of this stuff and I have issues of course, mainly with this dress my wife will wear only once! I asked her, "Why don't they rent dresses like they do suits and tuxes for men"? You would just think that I had said the most horrible statement any person could utter. She said, "That is a no-no. Women do not like to wear something other women have worn". "Why not"?

My wife gives me this look I have never seen before and says, "I don't think so. I am not wearing some dress after some hoochie momma had it on. No thank you". I told her that it must be because women fart in it and don't want to absorb another woman's fragrance!

The Rehearsal

The plan for rehearsal is do the walk through and then everyone go have dinner. We get there and everyone is standing there watching the bride's dad planting a tree. We were told that it would be a semi-formal dinner. We get there and everyone is in jeans or shorts and t-shirts! Here I am in a tie and it is 88 degrees outside?! So I lose the tie, just bite my tongue, and follow the crowd. As you can tell my overload meter is starting to climb.

I have only been there 15 minutes.

We head down this pathway about 400 yards to the area where the wedding is to be held. There is a tree lined path which I would like to term "mosquito alley". We get there the Pastor is ready to go, but guess what? 200 chairs need to be put out. So I start carrying chairs. Why didn't they have this done already? So I am sweating my butt off as I look over and the bride and groom- to-be are standing there watching!! Everyone is carrying these chairs, even the Pastor!

I will help anyone with anything, but this was ridiculous.

Why can't I be quite?

I said, "Hey! I have at least 10 years on both of you and I barely know either one of you. So I suggest you drop the googly eyes and get over here and help". I told them my "temporary worker permit expires in 5 minutes. You work today and stand and look pretty tomorrow". I try to refrain, I really do. Just at times it is soooo hard not to.

After half an hour of rearranging the chairs 5467 times we start the walk through. Or so I thought. They have the main aisle where the bride, etc. will walk up all laid out, but the fancy flower pots are not lined up. So they consult each other for another 20 minutes until I finally walk over and pick one up and turn it. "Perfect", the bride's mom finally says. Why was that so hard, I kept asking myself? 10 people trying to get one flower pot straight! For the love of all get out!

The Pastor finally walks us through and then it is time to eat. Eat + me in the same sentence is a good thing! (No, not eat me)

Not so fast hungry man. "Can you help me a minute", says the bride's mom. You ever heard a lion growl? That was me. I was sweating, losing 5 pints of blood to mosquitoes and now she wants me to help place candles out. They have 17 acres and there are places for candles over half of that. I have never seen so many candle holders in my life. You would think a Home Interiors plane had crashed in their yard.

We get the candle distribution done and then go eat. Finally.

The groom has a surprise Bachelor party come up and his little fiancé is fuming! She just glared at him with the "I will kill you" look. Seen it many times so I know what I am talking about. I asked him if he had life insurance, because he would probably not make it another week pulling that kind of stuff on her. I told her, "Isn't marriage grand! You haven't seen anything yet. You need to learn the cut-off tactic." Then, my wife punched me in the arm. What did I do?

Wedding Day

They want us there at 3:30PM. 2 hours before to take pictures?!? I thought those were taken after the actual wedding? Whatever. This wedding was weird enough anyway. Remember the candles? Mom wants them all lit. Guess who gets the honor? So, as I am wandering the 10 acres that these candles are covering, I burn the fluid out of brand new lighter. The extended kind you light a grill with!

That is how many candles there were. That took me 45 minutes.

After I light them all her mom comes out and says, "Did you light them all"? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! "Yes". She says, "These did not light. Can you light them again, please? I will get you another lighter". I told her, "They blow out because of the breeze". Did I get the response thanks for trying or that will be fine or oh well we tried? Ummmm NO! So, I re-light the 5 billion flipping candles that have blown out and then get ready to start ushering people to their seats.

I really wanted to say to the guests "just sit where you want". Don't get me wrong, everything was beautiful and they had the right ideas, but it was too hot and candles don't stay lit too well in a breeze in the MIDDLE of the day! I went through 2 grill lighters that carry a couple gallons of lighter fluid and most of the candles were out when the ceremony started anyway. Go figure.

They brought the guests down in a horse and carriage. Nice touch except the horses did not have a bag on the poop deck if you know what I am saying. Everyone signs the guestbook (should have put my website in there--shoot!), grabs their wedding thingy, and wait in the shade because it is very hot and humid.

Finally (the crowd goes wild) the wedding gets started and everyone is seated, baking in the 90 degree heat with no shade and now biting flies are out. My wife had one chew off half of her arm because she had to hold 2 bouquets and could not move because of the ceremony. Felt so bad for her, but I could not walk up and smack her on the arm in front of 200 people. It would have made good TV though (just kidding).

People are getting chewed up, sweating, and on top of that there is an opera singer. It is way to hot and humid for ear piercing notes. Not one wedding song. Not 2. 4 songs! It seemed every time the Pastor finished a sentence, there would be a song.

I wanted to die of heatstroke.

The best part was near the end when they had a reading of a prayer by the bride's grandparents. They had them on these scrolls that you could read with them. Then the groom's grandma wanted in on the action. She slams her wheelchair into full speed and nails the best man who had his backed turned. She wanted under that gazebo for the reading and knocked his feet right out from under him! I don't think the Great wall would have stopped her. That made my day a lot better for a brief moment.

They finish the ceremony and then the horse carriage takes the bridal party up to the reception tent.

There is a catch though. Everyone is asked to carry their chairs the 400 yards up the hill to the reception tent. Guess who helps if they can't carry their chairs? GRrrrRRrrrrrRRRrrrrRRR...

So, I carried about 30. Most people walk through flower petals at weddings. We had fresh horse poo to walk through because the poop deck bags were not on the horses!!.

We get up to the reception tent and my head is fire red from the heat and they want more pictures. Fine. The newlyweds cut the cake and bring their piece they cut together over to the bridal party table to save it. As they walk away, one of the bride's aunts or something comes over and talks to my wife.

She was lit up on something. No one is that droopy eyed and happy all at once. She starts eating the piece of cake they wanted to save! I almost fell on the ground with laughter. This lady was going at that cake like there was no tomorrow. She says, "That was good cake" and gets up and leaves with icing all over her fingers and face. LOL!!! What is it with me and cake?

I think I will start a bridal party rental service. Might as well get paid for being volunteered next time. So, if you or anyone you know has a wedding coming soon call me at 555-you-wish and leave a msg.

Anyway, it was a beautiful wedding and reception overall. It is just the details that get to me, as usual.

Adios until my next adventure

Success thrives upon failures demise.

Doug Gorman is the owner of Work Be Gone!--[http://www.workbegone.com] and writes articles and stories from business to humor. Contact at support@workbegone.com for info on articles for your website!

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2012年2月28日 星期二

The Dangers of Moving Fine Art

There are a number of good reasons why somebody might want to move art work. It could be a museum getting a new exhibit from a foreign country. It could be an temporary exhibition on a world tour. We see also more and more galleries and wealthy individuals acquiring expensive pieces of art and therefore having to move them for a number of personal reasons.

The top most important dangers when moving fine art are:

1. Direct physical forces: shock sustained by a dropped crate full of Fabergé eggs or vibration from a bad truck.

2. Incorrect temperature: not planning the route well can cause your fine art to transit from hot and humid places to dry and cold ones, potentially ruining your art pieces.

3. Incorrect humidity: this is of course related to the quality of the packing and the route that is planned for the shipment.

4. Pest issues.

5. Water.

6. Vandals and thieves: fine art is most at risk of being stolen when it is moving, when it is not in the safe compounds of the gallery or museum.

The fragility of art has never been a secret, but it wasn't until the 1970s that art packing and transport got serious, as museums began applying standards developed by the military and the electronics industry to packaging treasures. As art values shot skyward in the '80s, a group of institutional professionals made an effort to codify the tricks of their trade. The effort resulted in "Art and Transit," an international conference held in London in 1991. "If you have ever wondered what happens to the painting inside the packing case when it topples off the tailgate of a truck or is rammed by a forklift, then this was the conference for you," reads a summary by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

Moving art is especially difficult because of the very different nature of all the art. Fine art can be a small 10 by 10 painting and it can be a large 20 meters sculpture that is hanging from the ceiling of a big gallery. You obviously do not attack the problem the same way. Moving fine art is therefore considered as an art in itself because very often the solutions do not come already made in a text book. Experience and creativity comes in handy.

If you are working in this field you can learn more about the mistakes of others and share your experience of moving fine art [http://www.finearts-movers.com].

Alex Teo is the author and moderator of [http://www.finearts-movers.com] - This blog is dedicated to all professionals/or not, that had to deal with the pain of moving fine art.

Alex Teo has worked in the field of specialized moving services for more than 10 years and wishes to share his experience with everybody who might need it.

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More About Brisbane and Its Excellent Accommodations

Brisbane is the state capital of Queensland. Brisbane is the most populous city and the third most populous city in Australia, following its southern rivals, Melbourne and Sydney. The city is located on the popular river of Brisbane's low-lying floodplain between the Great Diving Range and Melbourne Bay along southeastern Queensland. Brisbane has a humid subtropical weather with hot, mild winters and humid, dry summers. From the late spring to early autumn, thunderstorms are usual over this beautiful city.

Brisbane economy has blue-collar and white-collar industries. Blue-collar industry includes paper mailing, stevedoring, petroleum refining, QR railway workshop and metalworking that tends to situate new industrial regions on the urban fringe and in the inferior reaches of the Brisbane River. White-collar industries include financial service, information technology; higher education and public sector administration. These industries are usually concentrated around the central business district and currently established its headquarters along the inner suburbs.

Most of the retail businesses are done in the suburbs of Brisbane within the shopping centers, including the main department store chains. Several major Westfield shopping centers in Brisbane are situated in the suburbs of Westfield Garden City, Westfield Carindale and Westfield Chermside. The other big shopping centers exist at Centro Toombul, Indooroopilly Shopping Center and Brookside Shopping Center. Aside from this, other main shopping centers throughout the metropolitan area are the Westfield North Lakes, Westfield Helensvale and Westfield Strathpine.

Popular recreation and tourist areas in Brisbane are the Portside Wharf, Brisbane Forest Park, the City Botanic Garden, Roma Street Parkland and the South Bank Parkland. In addition, there are numerous hotels scattered throughout the city for options.

Stamford Plaza Brisbane is one of the city's most beautiful hotels. The hotel is also one of the wonderful and luxurious hotels that have a river view from each guestroom. The view is particularly spectacular from the southern guestroom at night, especially when the lights are up. Hotel facilities include 3 bars, 3 restaurants, a small outdoor heated pool, Jacuzzi, health club and concierge, bike rental and car rental desks, tour desks and a business center. It also features 24 hour room service, a business center, in room massage, dry cleaning, babysitting, and 24 hour butler service.

Novotel Brisbane Hotel is conveniently located on top of Creek Street along the City Center. The hotel is only a short walking distance from the Queen Street Mall, business district, shopping areas, restaurants and theaters and major tourist attractions. The location is in close proximity to both international and domestic airports. The Brisbane railway station is about 200 meters away form the hotel.

It offers visitors 4 ½ star lodging accommodations in about 296 modern suites and rooms that offer comprehensive leisure and conference facilities in the central portion of Brisbane. All guestrooms have air-conditioners, AM and FM alarm clocks, coffee makers, hairdryers, cable televisions, balconies, international direct dials and irons that come with ironing stands. It is an ideal choice for business and leisure travelers, especially with their friendly, efficient, and professional staffs.

Mercure Hotel Brisbane is situated in the city's best riverside view. This hotel provides quality accommodations, services, style, comfort, and convenience that are great for business and leisure travels. It also boasts of a great selection of suites and guestrooms that are each equipped with air-conditioners, wireless Internet access and views of the stunning Brisbane River. Mercure Hotel Brisbane also features a licensed bar and restaurant, 24-hour reception, outdoor pool, business center, conference and meeting facilities and cleaning services.

For more information on Brisbane Hotels [http://www.brisbane-hotels.org/] and Cheap Brisbane Hotels [http://www.brisbane-hotels.org/cheapbrisbanehotels.php], please visit our website.

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2012年2月27日 星期一

Mining Exploration - 3000m Underground in a Gold Mine

Gold mining. What an incredible experience to have actually gone down a gold mine and seen with my own eyes where this precious metal comes from. Here is my account of the incredible journey to the very end of the deepest single barrel mineshaft in the world.

Permission was organized for me to take two photographers 3000m underground to get some photos of the diamond core drilling machinery and see first hand how mining exploration is done. We had to go through an induction process where safety issues and regulations were addressed. Then a vigorous sign in process followed by special permissions for the cameras and a special burning permission for the flashes as they represent an explosion hazard.

Once inside we introduced to the exploration drilling team who were going to take us underground to document their operation and get some footage of their drills. We were taken to a visitors room with rows of lockers and mining equipment, after changing into white overhauls with white gum-boots we were handed our mining safety gear and set off towards the mine shaft.

The cage was quite big in terms of elevators in fact it was the biggest one that I have ever seen. Dusty and windy would be the best way for me to describe the walk up the stares towards the cage. I was starting to get a revelation of how extreme this job actually is. I am not sure of the numbers but there must have been between 60 and 70 miners in the line to the cage. My first thought were it's going to take ages to get all these guys 3 kilometers underground. To my surprise and after some pushing and a little more pushing everybody was in! I couldn't move at all.

The drop was intense, moving at a speed of 19m per second it seemed to take ages to get to the end of the rope. Maybe this was due to the draft, noise or the fact that I was wedged in-between a group of miners plummeting away from any chance of getting out alive if anything went wrong. The atmosphere in the cage was to my surprise up beat and friendly with the miners chatting away and joking about rugby and other South African pastimes.

When we came to a halt and the doors opened the men pouring out of the lift reminded me of a large animal breathing out after holding its breath. We poured out into a grey, concreted tunnel that was well lit and had a series of turnstiles leading off into more grey tunnels. The temperature here was quite pleasant with lots of ventilation, for now I was comfortable.

After about 500 meters of walking we got to an intersection where there was a yellow train waiting for us. One doesn't realize how huge the mines are but in actual fact they are massive and cover huge ground. The train ride must have been a good 20 minutes long and when we stopped there was another 500 meter walk up to a ski lift like the ones they use to transport people up the ski slopes. This ride was about 5 minutes long then we got to the next lift.

Another drop of 1000 meters later and we were pouring out of the lift again. This time the climate was different! Not pleasant at all, well ventilated with good air but that last kilometer changed a lot in terms of the temperature. At this depth it is incredibly hot and humid. Worst of all we had to walk for ages to get to the drills that do the machines that do the drilling.

Once there, we had 30 minutes to get the photos we needed and start the long trip back to the surface. The machines were awesome. We got our photos and headed towards the surface, very excited and pleased to have been this far underground and lived of course

Please visit mining exploration if you would like to see photos from this shoot.

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Preparing to Lay Your New Wooden Floor

Due to the nature of real wood such as oak it is a living and breathing product. It will expand and contract depending on its environment. A new wood floor looks fantastic but it is always best to ensure it stays looking pristine for years to come. The way to do this is to make sure the preparation for laying the flooring is done correctly, along with a common knowledge of the small issues that can happen with real wood floors.

Solid flooring has a tendency to expand and contract. In summer, when the air is more humid due to the house being aired more often - the boards soak up the extra moisture and tend to expand slightly. In winter, when central heating / underfloor heating are used regularly, the air in the house is very dry therefore resulting in the boards drying and contracting - this often creates gaps appearing between boards - often large enough to put a coin between. These are harmless and disappear in the warmer months when heating is not used in the house as often.

When hardwood flooring gets wet or damp it absorbs the moisture and expands to accommodate this extra moisture. This can often happen even if the room does not feel damp or wet - the humidity in the air can also affect the floor. Before laying a wooden floor in is essential to check that the room is dry and the sub floor contains no extra moisture. It is also best to check the moisture content of the flooring before installing. However the sub floor is the most important thing to check before installing as this will affect the floor if it is not the correct moisture levels.

Where an existing timber subfloor is present, this needs to be checked for wet rot, dry rot and for woodworm. Although these are not commonplace it is always best to check existing floors before laying down your new wood floors which can get ruined by rot or woodworm. It is always best to ensure that the existing boards are also securely fastened to the joists as they will cause creaking if not fitted well. Loose timber boards can be screwed down onto the joists - or additional noggins can be placed between the joists if an old board has been cut in the wrong place and is loose.

When nailing down onto the existing flooring, the boards should be laid at 90 degrees to the sub floor. This ensures maximum stability and strength in the floor. (As an example consider a jenga game where all the blocks are placed on top of each other in the same direction - it is extremely unstable). If you are wanting the boards to be laid in the same direction as the sub floor a layer of plywood can be placed and nailed or screwed down to ensure a stable fit of the new wood flooring.

There are additional precautions to take where a screed or concrete sub floor is present. New concrete dries at a rate of 1 inch per month or 1mm per day. Although the concrete can look and feel dry to the touch, it can often still contain more moisture than the recommended amounts for hardwood flooring. The best way to check is to use a moisture meter - this will give you an instant reading and tell you whether you need to leave it to dry for longer.

If the new wood floor is an engineered floor that is being laid as a floating floor then it is possible to lay an extra layer of damp proof membrane (DPM) over the concrete / screed to ensure no moisture reaches the wood floor however if the floor is being glued down to the subfloor or battened out it would not be possible to lay the DPM, however a liquid DPM or epoxy resin can be used to create a liquid barrier instead. As solid wood floors are recommended to be stuck down to the sub floor it is best to glue solid wood floors down to the concrete directly therefore it is essential that the moisture is checked before laying.

With all wood flooring, an expansion gap must be left around the edge to ensure there is room for expansion in case of problems with moisture. This can be covered with skirting, beading or an edge profile. When preparation for the sub floor has been completed correctly, the laying of the wood floor is more likely to fit properly and without problems for the future.

Wood Flooring

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2012年2月26日 星期日

Humidifier Education - Come Follow The Steps And Photos Of An Aprilaire Humidifier Being Installed

We will be discussing the installation of an Aprilaire 600 Bypass Evaporative Pad Humidifier on a natural gas furnace which operates on 120 volts. Heat Pump Air Handlers and Electric Furnaces operate at 240-240 Volts and are probably best left to the professionals. If you don't have a floor drain you may need to consider the Aprilaire 400 which re circulates it's own water. Even though it is more expensive upfront, it won't require a condensate pump to drain the water! If you don't want to, or have not got room for adding any duct work, you may need the Aprilaire 700 which uses no duct work. All this said however, we feel the Aprilaire 600 is the BEST unit in general, IF WE CAN USE IT! The Aprilaire 600 type, by passes air from your supply air trunk or plenum, which then flows through the humidifier and back into your cold air return trunk or return drop. A vertical water panel will have water flowing down it, when there is a call for humidity, the hot air from your supply air will evaporate this water and put it into your home. A humidistat will be installed in your return duct to sense when humidity is actually needed. There will be a drain line attached to the bottom of the humidifier which will carry off excess water and any built up minerals from the last cycle. This draining feature makes these types much healthier and also require very little maintenance. The other types of humidifiers will require more cleaning.


A Volt/Ohm meter is helpful and should be used if you have one, but we have included a simple way to be sure the power is off further on. The 1/4" nut driver, a small pocket flat head screwdriver, adjustable wrench, pliers, 1/4" tubing cutters and sheet metal cutters are a MUST. A hammer will come in handy for starting a hole in the sheet metal with the edge of a screwdriver.


If you have an old furnace you will probably need to install a relay which will only let the humidifier run if the furnace blower is running so that you don't rust out the bottom of your furnace from over humidification. This relay is an Aprilaire A50 Relay. So first lets see if you need the relay. Go to your furnace and shut the main power off either at the switch near the furnace or by shutting off the main circuit breaker or removing the fuse at the main electrical panel. Remove the blower door and see if you have a Printed Circuit Board. If you have a Printed Circuit Board look to see if there are terminals marked HUM ( stands for humidifier ). If you have this terminal we will now need to find out if this terminal is supplying 24 volts or 120 volts.


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Controlling Dust Mites - 15 Tips You Can Use Now!

Dust mites and the protein produced by their feces are the most common allergen contaminants found in the indoor environment and is the number one cause of asthma in the home. In fact, persons which exhibit serious symptoms to house dust are confirmed by testing to have a strong allergy to the protein found in dust mite feces.

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are microscopic bugs which live in most homes and are 1/100th of an inch in length and have translucent bodies, so they are not visible to the unaided eye. To identify one of these microscopic mites, one would need a 10X magnification device. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology identifies them as an insect which belongs to the family of eight-legged creatures called arachnids that also includes spiders, chiggers and ticks. They will thrive in temperatures above 70 degrees F, especially with humidity levels above 65 percent and usually die off when the humidity falls below 40 percent. They are more prevalent in areas which have moderate to extreme humid climates. A female mite will lay many eggs which are coated with a sticky substance that clings to most materials. An immature egg will reach adulthood in just four weeks time.

Dust Mites Have Huge Appetites

They may feed on dead human skin cells which are in the air and on furniture surfaces. Since humans may shed as much as 1/5 ounce of dead skin each week, dust mites never run out of a food source. They will also consume animal dander and may be plentiful in the bedding of family pets. Since we spend about one-third of our lives in the bedroom, higher levels of mites are usually found on the surfaces of a mattress and bedding materials. A typical mattress may have millions of mites living inside and on the top surfaces. They can also be found in large numbers in carpeting and furniture where humans spend the most time.

Dust Mite Symptoms

A person who shows an allergy towards dust mites will produce an antibody in response to the proteins from their feces. An allergic individual will produce white blood cells that release histamine thus triggering allergic symptoms. Histamine may produce allergic symptoms at various places in a persons body. Allergies caused by these microscopic creatures can range from mild allergic rhinitis to severe asthma attacks. Extreme exposure cases have reported a red rash around the neck, arms or legs.

Controlling Dust Mites

Regular cleaning of the places they can be found can make a real difference in the number of dust mites in your home. The only effective method of controlling them is to focus on microscopic dust control. A high efficient particulate air (HEPA) vacuum is the primary weapon for effective cleaning of all areas which they can be found. Here are some other great ways to control dust mites in your house:

In the bedroom, encase your pillow and mattress with allergy proof covers.
Wash all bed linens in hot water (130 degrees F) weekly.
Use fitted sheets to help keep dust off the mattress covers.
Replace feather and down pillows with synthetic filled alternatives.
Keep stuffed toys off beds and discard stuffed toys for children with asthma conditions.
Make sure that your hair is dry before going to bed since the moisture may attract dust mites.
Keep blankets enclosed in allergy free bags or covers when not in use.
Thoroughly vacuum all upholstered furniture and carpeting weekly with a HEPA cleaning device.
Limit the use of a humidifier unless needed for other health reasons.
Maintain a dry environment in your bedroom especially if it is directly connected to a bathroom.
Wash all curtains and window coverings on a monthly basis.
Purchase a quality Relative Humidity (RH) meter and attempt to keep RH levels below 50 percent. Central air conditioning is effective at lowering RH in the warmer months.
Use a pleated high efficient filter in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system to control dust. Avoid all filters which are sold as "washable".
Utilize a HEPA air purifier in bedrooms and heavily used rooms.
A common recommendation is to treat dust mite areas with a powder chemical compound. I strongly warn against using any powder chemical of any type for any reason since the chemical itself can be inhaled causing other acute or chronic respiratory problems.

Read more asthma prevention tips
Read more Asthma Prevention Tips here.

Read more about the author
Stan K. Hall is a recognized specialist in Indoor Air Pollution as well as Health & Safety in the home. He has performed over 400 indoor environmental evaluations over the past 26 years and has helped hundreds of homeowners make their home a haven. He is widely known as the originator of T.E.A.M.; the scientifically proven approach to controlling and resolving indoor air pollution.

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2012年2月25日 星期六

Miraculous Creatures That Leave Jet Planes in Their Wake

Many species of fish, mammals and even insects make astonishing migrations.

But of all the living things on Earth, the most mobile of all are birds.

During their journeys, birds make use of countless features and attributes, every one of which is a separate convincing proof of creation.

The Gaussmeter (which measures force, frequency and magnetic fields), the Earth's magnetic field, aerofoil shape, wing tip vortex . . . To most people, these terms may not mean anything.. They can be unaware of such details as that-for example-the Earth's innermost core is of solid iron, while the outer core is liquid; and that the movement of this outer layer around the inner sets up a magnetic field. Nor do many realize how we benefit from that magnetic field for our very survival on this planet.

Apart from engineers or professionals having a special interest in the subject, people may not know that the airfoil shape present in fans, airplane propellers and the wings of birds establishes a lift force when air flows over it, and that this is vital at both take-off and landing. Engineers and experts make use of this information when designing new planes. They also take into account the effects of the magnetic field and take precautions against possible dangers.

However, it's not only those people with specialized training in this field who make use of such facts. Birds, endowed with countless miraculous abilities by Almighty God, exhibit miraculous behavior throughout their lives. Even though they have received no training in this area of aerodynamics, yet they too display abundant proofs of the perfection of His creative knowledge.

Birds' Expert Estimation of Altitude and Air Conditions

Migratory animals must estimate air conditions correctly-and in advance. This is something requiring meteorological expertise. The Australian bogong moths are one example of this. These moths fly hundreds of kilometers towards a cool region in the Australian Alps in order to escape the humid climate where they spend their caterpillar stage.

During spring, their caterpillars feed in green meadows. When temperatures begin rising in summer, they enter their pupal phase and later emerge as small grayish-black moths. Then, rather than endure the summer heat, they set out to a long journey for the Australian Alps, where millions of these long-distance travelers spend the summer, gathering in rock crevices and caves, flying only at night. After reaching the mountain, they hang upside down during the summer and live off the body fat they stored up when they were caterpillars.

In order to reach the Alpine peaks, these small insects must take advantage of the seasonal cold front that moves in a south-easterly direction and that will carry them to where they will rest over the torrid summer months. Scientists believe that these creatures are able to detect barometric pressure changes, or changes in the ion balance in the air, that allow them to make perfect estimates.

The Miraculous Systems in Birds' Ears

Birds have a barometric sense in their ears similar to that in moths. So sensitive are they to even the slightest change in altitude that even if heavy clouds prevent them from seeing the ground, they are able to continue flying in a narrow air corridor 17 kilometers high without losing their way. If we humans possessed a sensitivity similar to a pigeon's or a duck's, we could tell which floor of a building we were standing on just by detecting the variance in air pressure.

A bird's air-pressure sense helps it to estimate flying and weather conditions, just as much as it benefits in terms of maintaining altitude. Sudden changes in pressure typically occur shortly before winter storms, and by detecting these, birds prepare themselves for their difficult migrations. An incorrect estimation could be fatal to a migratory species. In spring, birds in the northern hemisphere prepare to migrate only when the temperature rises, air pressure falls and winds blow from the south.

Why Do Birds Generally Migrate at Night?

Most birds carry out their vital functions-feeding, nest-building-in the daytime. But for long journeys they prefer night. Coastal birds, as well as such small birds as flycatchers, golden orioles, white-throated warblers fieldfares, and most species of sparrow are classic nocturnal migrants. There is enormous activity in the night sky. Telescopic observations during the full moon indicate that up to 9,000 birds an hour pass along the migratory routes. These nocturnal migrations begin one hour after sunset, reach their peak just before midnight, and slowly decline until the day dawns.

Nocturnal migration provides birds with a number of advantages. The most important of these is that it enables them to avoid predators. The majority of nocturnal migrants are small-sized and have weak flying abilities. Flying by night is therefore much safer for them. However, that is not the only reason for nocturnal migration, because some coastal birds that are powerful fliers capable of traveling a distance of 3200 kilometers over the ocean without stopping also migrate at night. Another reason why birds prefer to travel at night is the timing of their feeding. In species that feed by day, digestion is normally very rapid. For that reason, prior to migrating, , birds feeding in the daytime have to ingest food at short intervals and store it as fat in their bodies. If small migrants embarked on long daytime flights and arrived, exhausted, at their destination at night, they would have to wait for the following day to feed, since they cannot find nourishment in the dark. That would mean many of them dying being unable to obtain energy in the cold air. By flying at night, therefore, these birds engage in multi-programmed movement. They spend the daytime feeding and laying down fat for their nightly migration. When the Sun rises, they rest together feed, and continue on with that same routine.

During Nocturnal Migration, There is No Danger from High Temperatures

Another likely-though not fully proven-advantage to nocturnal migration is the low ambient temperature. For birds that constantly flap their wings all day, solar rays pose a risk of overheating. Nocturnal migration prevents that danger. In addition, the energy they expend in flying also produces specific heat. Birds eliminate that heat by evaporating water through air sacs in their lungs-in other words, by means of a kind of internal perspiration.

In all likelihood, birds determine the distances they are able to fly by means of the water they lose from their bodies as well as the fat they store. Therefore, they are able to lower their body temperatures by taking advantage of the lower nocturnal temperatures and by losing lower levels of water. Reduction of water loss to a minimum increases the distance they can fly.

For all these reasons, birds prefer to migrate at night, and their bodily structures have been created in line with this. Of course, there are also birds that God has created to fly in the daytime. Such species as ducks, cranes, seagulls, pelicans, sparrow hawks and swallows migrate during the daylight hours. Storks and vultures, which employ the gliding technique, are also only able to fly by day, because their mode of flying depends on heat dispersion in updrafts from the ground: They are also carried along by the wind deflected off mountains and high peaks.

In conclusion, birds migrate in the manner that their body structures and life styles permit. God created these creatures and equipped them with particular abilities. Everything they do is another proof of the existence and might of God. Therefore, their every action is equivalent to praise of God.

Birds that Fly at the Same Altitudes as Planes- and the Advantages of High- Altitude Flight

Some migratory birds fly at impossible-seeming altitudes. For example, the dunlin and some other small migratory birds can be seen flying at an altitude of 7,000 meters, which is the cruising altitude of jet airplanes. One species of swan has even been observed flying at 8,200 meters. Some birds even reach the stratosphere (the thin atmospheric layer between 8 and 40 kilometers up). Bar-headed geese have been determined to fly over the Himalayas at a height of 9,000 meters, very near where the stratosphere begins.

We do not yet fully understand how birds determine altitude. However, high-altitude flying provides them with a number of advantages. They are better able to make out features in familiar territory. Flying above clouds and fog at high altitudes affords them increased visibility, and lets them avoid physical obstacles. Also, some birds fly at very high altitudes in order to reduce their water loss to a minimum. Because the air is cooler higher up, and that means less evaporation.

Birds Are Immune to the Difficulties of High-Altitude Flying

High-altitude flying provides migratory birds with so many advantages, but one might expect that also brings with it a number of difficulties. For example, oxygen concentrations at these heights are 1/3 lower than those at sea level. However, birds experience no difficulties, because their bodily systems have been created to suit them for high-altitude flying. The hemoglobin molecule in the blood of Geese and other birds is capable of carrying sufficient amounts of oxygen to compensate for this low oxygen level. They also have dense capillary vessels in their bodies to allow oxygen to reach their flight muscles. The structure of the avian lung, which is unique to birds, ensures that air in the lung constantly flows in only one direction, which means the bird is constantly inhaling clean air, letting it use the oxygen in the air in the most efficient way.

How do migratory birds manage to withstand the cold at such high altitudes? This is still a mystery. Temperatures at these altitudes can fall to as low as -14 degrees Celsius, and migratory birds must survive in this freezing cold for days on end.

Every living thing is created in such a way as to be able to cope with the difficulties it may encounter during the course of its life. Geese can fly at such high altitudes, in an environment where there is very little oxygen and where freezing cold often prevails, thanks to the special design in their bodies. No doubt that this design cannot have arisen through chance or unconscious natural mechanisms-in short, through "evolution." It is God, the Almighty Lord of the Earth and sky, Who creates the birds with these perfect features. God knows the beginning and end of all things and has created all things, from the Earth to the heavens, with features that are perfect in all regards.

Don't you see that everyone in the heavens and Earth glorifies God, as do the birds with their outspread wings? Each one knows its prayer and glorification. God knows what they do. (Qur'an, 24:41)

[God is t]he Originator of the heavens and Earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it, 'Be!' and it is. (Qur'an, 2:117)

The Advantages of Flying with Extra Stores of Fat

As already stated, birds consume as much food as they can before setting out to their migrations. They convert this food into body fat, because fat is the most ideal fuel. When 1 gram of fat is metabolized, it releases twice as much energy and water as does the same weight of protein or carbohydrate. During migration, these accumulated fats are consumed. However, a number of problems accompany this spare energy that birds carry with them.

For example, the red-throated pipit carries a fat load representing 90% of its normal body weight. This species slowly burns this fat during its 24-hour migration.

Birds use a specific quantity of fuel in order to be able to carry this load of extra weight up to particular altitudes. When they attain the appropriate height, their most advantageous thing to do is to continue flying until all their fat has been consumed. If the bird alights without using all of this energy back-up, it might encounter very serious consequences. For instance, it might land in some location where in a short time it can't find the necessary energy to take off again. Flying with additional stored fat is always an advantage for birds. Every year, for example, coastal migratory species have to make a difficult journey of 12,000 kilometers. During their lifetimes, they cover a total distance equivalent to the distance the Moon and back.

Many people are even unaware of these tiny birds' existence. But when we examine them in detail, we find ourselves looking at extraordinary miracles of creation. These creatures accomplish flawless journeys under conditions that no human being could ever survive. There is no doubt that Almighty God has created birds with all these features. These wondrous creatures are just one of the manifold manifestations on Earth of our Lord's omniscience.

Under the pen name of Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar has written some 250 works. His books contain a total of 46,000 pages and 31,500 illustrations. Of these books, 7,000 pages and 6,000 illustrations deal with the collapse of the Theory of Evolution. You can read, free of charge, all the books Adnan Oktar has written under the pen name Harun Yahya on these websites http://www.harunyahya.com

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Why Are Generac Portable Generators So Popular?

Generac portable generators are one of the most trusted names in the line of standby power products. Interruption in whatever power sources you use can occur any time of the day. For industries of all kinds, such absence of power would adversely affect their work and consequently affects the services they provide either by delayed and/or curtailed services, reduced output on manufactured products whereby companies are not able to meet the costumers' demands for supplies. At home, such scenario may result to many inconveniences such as late meals because food was not cooked on time, very humid environment while the air conditioning system is down, delayed homework or school related paperwork and those who are fans of television shows, unhappy feeling because you were not able to see today's episode.  

The Generac Power System Company Incorporated has been known to produce high quality alternative and emergency power sources. In fact, this company is hailed as the most trusted name in this line of products, which caters not only to industrial power supply needs but also has developed equally amazing products for residential use. The company does not only embrace power supply production by the creation of multi-lined designs of generators from heavy loaded to portable ones but is also known for its line of marketed items on engine-driven generator systems, transfer switches, and pressure washers. 

Generac portable generators were designed to answer all your needs from home use, camping, construction, to any outdoor events or even for commercial use. Though the products are ruggedly looking, the reliability and efficiency of its function can never be equaled. Various sizes are available for ones use with varying degree of energy production. Handy ones however work from below 100 up to 17,500 watts, which can be more than appropriate for your residential needs, or you can also avail of the heavy powered units, which you can use for commercial purposes as well. 

When having troubles with your Generac portable generators, a trouble-shooting guide comes in handy. Below are some tips: 

For engines that will not stay on unless someone presses the on button permanently, you just have to check on the connection between the control board and the voltage. This can be checked by plugging the meter into the control board. If no power is seen on the board, then this might be the problem and you need to call on a professional technician to address this.
When your indicator lights have not turned on, just ensure that the circuit breaker found on the back of your generator is turned up. You can also test power supply using a voltage meter. If all fails, indeed the machine has died and needs replacement.
If your forward and reflected power is not displaying the same figures then something is wrong with your Generac portable generators. Test this using a voltage meter and if the condition continues your unit needs repaired.  

Your guide to information on various types of generators such as backup generators. We also provide information for consumers on various brands as well. For more information please visit our site today. http://www.generatorsinfosite.com/
By Martin Applebaum

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2012年2月24日 星期五

Ghostly Theories Shrouded In Myth

It would seem that the Ghost Hunting community is alive with many theories as to what a haunting is and why it is happening. Some of these beliefs may indeed strike a chord of curiosity or inspire further investigation and debate. However there is a great deal of fancy and speculation that seems to be taking on the guise of truth.

One such belief that is talked about by almost every Ghost Hunter you listen to is this supposed "need" a ghost has for energy in order to manifest. They say this belief is based on such things as equipment malfunctions and batteries going dead. While I agree these things do happen during paranormal activity, I have to strongly disagree with the common beliefs as to why it happens.

If one were to ask me why I feel this belief is incorrect I would have to say because it has no basis in fact. There has been no research presented to support this claim and no one seems to want to find out the truth. They merely accept that it happens and offer up some unfounded and totally speculative reason as to why. This is the typical mode of operation for most Ghost Hunters currently investigating paranormal activity. They are simply happy to record or witness paranormal phenomena but they intend to do nothing with the information they collect. No studies of one particular location will take place. The data they collect will not give way to new experiments and they seem to lack interest in the mechanics of what it is they are witnessing. However, many amusing and quite frankly uneducated myths do arise from their folly.

I myself have experienced many of the same things during paranormal activity claimed by other researchers. I've had my batteries go dead and equipment malfunction and I too have wondered why. However hungry ghosts had never crossed my mind. What did occur to me was the other phenomenon I have witness during the investigation as well.

Let's recap some of the basic phenomenon and look at this objectively. There are frequent electromagnetic disturbances. There is in many cases an excessive build up of static electricity and there is a drop in atmospheric pressure and humidity. Sometimes odd frequencies are present as well. With this data mentioned here you should be able, with a small amount of research find your hungry ghost. Do you see it?

The belief I have come up with is far different then most everyone else's. It is based more in fact then wild speculation so I'm sure it won't be popular. I'm going to share it with you anyway. There are certain things that can cause a battery to discharge and equipment to fail that are not considered paranormal. Electrostatic interference is one such reason.

EMI comes in a few forms, radiated and conducted. Either form can occur throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The primary problem with the occurrence of EMI is disruption or reduction of performance of electronics. Electrostatic discharge is especially damaging to critical electronics components, and occurs when a high voltage static charge reacts directly with or in close proximity to the battery terminals. While in most cases static does not build enough to damage your equipment permanently, it can occur in strength sufficient enough to discharge your battery and bizarre electromagnetic fields can momentarily interrupt power. This adequately explains why sometimes my battery seems to be dead only to work after the phenomena subsides or in some cases, they are dead all together. Another indication this is what might take place is when some equipment is effected while other equipment is not.

For instance, your forty dollar EMF meter is not adequately shielded against such things and neither are hand held digital recorders and tape recorders. They are the most likely to fail while your top dollar Tri-field meter never fails. That's because a tri-field meter is designed to record the very fields that are screwing up your other equipment and batteries. It would be wise of the manufacturers to protect it against these types of problems. Another piece of equipment prone to battery failure is the camcorder. I have had many strange problems with them and it is due to the fact they have a rechargeable battery pack. Battery packs are highly susceptible to such things, especially older models.

If you think about it, how many times have you lost power when you felt a cold spot and the hair on your arms begins to stand up? Why do you think it is the hair on your arms is standing up? Cold air, low barometric pressure and low moisture are conducive to what? Static electricity!

In conclusion I am not saying that what is taking place is not paranormal. The events causing the environmental disruptions we witness are very much paranormal. However, the equipment failures are not due to "ghosts" in my belief. They are due to environmental factors caused by paranormal activity.

Alan Rupick has been investigating the paranormal for 18 years. He has had serveral articles written about him in local newspapers and has been a guest on radio talk shows. He is also the founder of the online paranormal community called "I Am Haunted".

You may contact Alan Rupnick by e-mail at: alan@iamhaunted.com or visit his website: [http://www.iamhaunted.com]

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The Best Fort Lauderdale Hotels

Fort Lauderdale is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States. It is known as the Venice of America because to its intricate and expansive canal system. It is the main city of South Florida metropolitan region habitat to about 5,413,212 people.

It is the main yachting center with about 42 resident yachts and 100 boatyards and marinas. Fort Lauderdale and its suburbs host about 120 nightclubs and 4,100 restaurants. It has true tropical rain forests with humid, hot summers and dry, warm winters.

There are four railroads that serve. The CSX Transportation and the FEC or Florida East Coast Railroad are freight lines, the Tri-Rail provides travelers service between Miami-Dade County, Broward County and Palm Beach County and the Amtrak provides travelers service to some cities on the Atlantic Coast.

The Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is the fastest growing main airport and it is the city main airport in the country. It is an emerging international airport getaway for the Latin America and Caribbean. The Palm Beach International Airport and the Miami International Airport also serve Fort Lauderdale. It is home to the Port Everglades state's 3rd busiest cruise port. Broward County is served by some main Interstate Highways and U.S Highways like US 41, US 27 and US 1.

This place is home to Aquatic Complex that contains about two units of 23 meters by 50 meters competition pool and one 20 by 23 meter diving well. It is also home to the large indoor and outdoor flea market the Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop. It is the place of the world's biggest drive-in movie theater with about 13 screens.

Other sites of interest in Fort Lauderdale are the Hugh Taylor Birch State Park and the International Swimming Hall of Fame. The Hugh Taylor Birch Park is a park beside the beach with picnicking and camping areas, nature trails and canoing.

There are many hotels situated around it. One good example is the Ocean Sky Hotel and Resort. This full service hotel is situated on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It is 15 minutes away from the historic Las Olas Boulevard and downtown Fort Lauderdale and 20 minutes away from the Its International Airport. The hotel is located near the shopping areas, the convention center and business district.

It offers about 225 guest rooms with ocean view and open-air balconies including 15 oceanfront suites. This hotel features a fitness center, game room, business center, water sports, indoor and outdoor restaurant, outdoor oversized Jacuzzi, polo lounge, gift and sundry boutique and much more. All guest rooms features free wireless internet access, hairdryer, microwave oven, mini refrigerator, cable television and much more.

The La Quinta Inn and Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport is situated one minute drive from the Hollywood International Airport. It is 10 minutes away from the Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 25 minutes away fro the South Beach and about 20 minutes away from the Sawgrass Mills Mall.

The hotel features free bright side breakfast, high speed internet access, meeting facilities, outdoor swimming pool and fitness center. All guest rooms features data port phones, television with premium cable channel, coffee maker, hairdryer, alarm clock and iron with ironing board.

Beach Plaza Hotel Fort Lauderdale is a great accommodation option to an unforgettable vacation. The hotel is situated close to the several restaurants, shops, airports and to the Port Everglades. The hotel guest room features cable television, microwave oven, refrigerator, coffee and tea making facilities, hairdryer and air conditioning.

For more information on Fort Lauderdale Hotels [http://www.fortlauderdale-hotels.org/] and Fort Lauderdale Beach Hotels [http://www.fortlauderdale-hotels.org/fort-lauderdale-beach-hotels.php], please visit our website.

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2012年2月23日 星期四

Rock Climbing Ideas and Tips

Toronto is the largest city in Canada and is the provincial capital of Ontario and has over 2.5 million residents. It is the fifth-most populous municipality in North America. It is in the middle of the Greater Toronto Area. The census metropolitan area had a population of 5,113,149, and the Greater Toronto Area had a population of 5,555,912 at the 2006 Census. Toronto covers an area of 630 square kilometers. This gives you an idea of how big the city is.

One good thing about Toronto is the landscape that is so suitable for rock climbing. Previously where a lake existed is now an escarpment that marks the boundary of the former natural feature. It is today known as Iroquois Shoreline. The escarpments form the Scarborough Bluffs between the Victorian Park Avenue and Highland Creek. The climbs that form good site for this activity lie about 75 meters above sea level.

As you set out for rock climbing in Toronto, you may as well take note that the climate of the area is typical humid, very continental in deed. It is marked with cold winters and warm, humid summers. Note that there are four seasons here and the day to day temperatures differ especially during winter.

You have to develop a lot of skill to survive this activity in Toronto. Your strength, patience and stamina will all be tested through a lot of challenges that will cross your paths. Do not however lose the thrilling experience due to the challenges. There are lots of good memories you can take home with you from Toronto.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Rock Climbing. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here ROCK CLIMBING If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED!

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2012年2月13日 星期一

How to Stop Sweating Pipes in the Basement

Do you have puddles of water on your basement floor due to sweating pipes? If you are inconvenienced (to say the least) by this situation, take heart because you are not alone with this problem. Sweating pipes in the basement is a very common predicament experienced by most homeowners.

The truth is, pipe sweating is just an indication of extreme dampness or humidity in your basement. Even when there are no leaks in your basement, large amounts of water vapor can enter it, and, eager to become water again, latches on to any cold surface around. You guessed it right...water pipes are the easiest targets. Your cold water pipes need to "sweat out" or condense the moisture out of your damp basement.

But enough of the lecture, and on with the solutions. What steps can you take to stop sweating pipes in the basement? Here are five common solutions to your problem:

1. Use a dehumidifier. Continuously running a dehumidifier in your basement will can help a lot in lowering the humidity of your basement. The less humid your basement, the less likely your pipes will sweat. Removing the access dampness in your basement can also get rid of the unhealthy air, allowing you and your family to breathe in better air.

2. Use foam insulation. By wrapping your cold pipes, you get right to heart of the matter - not let moisture reach them in the first place! Home improvement stores carry foam-pipe insulation that can easily slip right over your pipes. This material is available in various lengths and can be easily cut with a pair of scissors. You don't even need to wrap all fifty meters or so of pipe in your house. Just do it for those easy-to-reach pipes and you will see a significant improvement.

3. Get rid of all leaks in the basement. Like I previously mentioned, even without leaks, moisture can get in. Just imagine how the situation can worsen if you do have cracks or openings in your basement. For minor leaks, waterproofing compounds will do, while hydraulic cement is best for actively leaking areas. Make sure also that all plumbing problems within the house are taken care of. Dampness can come from both outside and inside the house.

4. Check your house's foundations and exterior walls. If you have a problem in your house's foundations on top of having cracks in your basement walls, this will compound your moisture problems. For instance, an ineffective gutter system or the lack of one, can let all the water pool at your home's foundations right outside your basement! Make sure rainwater is directed away from your house not towards it.

If the ground around is sloped towards the foundations of your house, that could be also another cause of moisture problem in your basement.

5. Apply waterproofing compound on walls and floors. To further prevent any unwanted moisture from coming inside your basement, you can use waterproofing compound on walls and floors even before any leaks are detected. Choose a high quality waterproofing that will effectively stop any water from coming in the basement, and not just one that will protect from surface moisture as a sealer does. Also, use a waterproofer that is suitable for sealing walls under water pressure.

Keep in mind that if you do just any one or two of these steps, the improvements can be felt already. Used together, the effects can be tremendous.

If you are looking for a handyman in Minnetonka, MN be sure to visit the Minnetonka handyman directory for a list of contractors that can help you with your home repair needs.

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Drilling a Well in Oaxaca, Mexico - A Case Study Part I - Decision-Making and Digging

Even within the context of the manana lifestyle of Southern Mexico, three years to dig a well in Oaxaca does seem extreme, and to most, incomprehensible. Chalk it up to electing to have it dug by hand, changes in personnel, the odd fit of frustration, and seasonal differences in rainfall and water table dictating timing.

Water in Oaxaca as a Motivator for a Well Digging Project

Americans and Canadians will eventually come to consider water as a resource of finite supply. In Southern Mexico we have already come to this realization. It's been predicted that the scarcity of water in Oaxaca will worsen over time, as a result of climate change and other factors. The past fifteen years have borne witness.

The dry season has become longer and dryer, with the rainy season characterized by a corresponding reduction in duration and amount of precipitation. To receive water, Oaxacans rely on a municipal water delivery system, supplemented by water trucks (known as pipas). Supply via the former has been met with a reduction in quantity, quality, and frequency of delivery. The implication is that as the dry season approaches one cannot rely on the delivery of reasonably clean water when it's needed. The situation is worse for residents without cisterns, who must fill small tanks (known as tinacos) of roughly 1,100 to 2,500 liters, or makeshift receptacles such as old stationary propane tanks. The fortunate among us have cisterns with a capacity of anywhere from 5,000 to 25,000 liters. Commercial enterprise cannot rely on the municipal system for their needs, and must order pipas on a regular basis.

Toward the end of the dry season when water does come into our cisterns and tinacos, sometimes it's so dirty that residents elect to shut off the valve by the street in favor of purchasing water from pipas.

Pipas come in sizes ranging from about 1,100 to 20,000 liters. During the dry season it's sometimes difficult to get a pipa to the house, especially for residences in the countryside or up steep hills. And of course the cost of a pipa is greater at this time of year. One is paying for the driver, truck and fuel, as much as for the water itself. Accordingly, those with small cisterns or only a tinaco end up paying up to threefold more per liter, than those with larger capacity tanks.

In the face of this progressively worsening water problem, many residents who think they may be above a water table that is not prohibitively low, are electing to investigate the feasibility of digging or drilling a well, if not for the present, then as a precaution and investment for the future.

Drinking water is distinct from municipal and pipa water. Tap water is used only for washrooms, kitchen sinks, doing laundry, and lawns and gardens. Water for drinking and often cooking is purchased at the store or from water trucks selling five gallon (19 liter) jugs.

The Decision to Dig a Well in Colonia Loma Linda, Oaxaca

Moving to Southern Mexico presents a learning curve - in fact several challenges. Even more so when it comes to an urban middle class Canadian couple trying to appreciate the minutiae involved in deciding upon and then proceeding with a well digging project:

• Is there water on the property, and if so precisely where and how far down?

• How do we find out for sure, and who should we trust?

• How much should it cost to dig a well?

• What's the difference between digging and drilling in terms of cost and speed, and advisability of one method over the other?

• How to go about finding a competent and trustworthy well digger or driller?

• How much time should the project take, to reach each phase?

• What diameter should the well be?

• Are there any guarantees regarding whether or not water will in fact be reached, how far down, and therefore corresponding cost?

• Will we need concrete rings (known as anillos) placed down inside the well?

• What volume of water should be expected?

• What about pumps, filters and tubing to lift the water and move it into a cistern?

• Should there be a separate cistern to keep the well water segregated from the street water?

• How much should the analysis of the quality of the water from the well impact a decision regarding readying the water for drinking, with chemical cleansers and the like?

In retrospect it's easy enough to enumerate the foregoing list, which is far from exhaustive. But its compilation was a work in progress, with issues and decisions to be made arising periodically over the course of three years. There is no course for Oaxacans wanting a well.

Our home in Colonia Loma Linda is at the top of a hill facing the street, Calle Sierra Nevada. The lot extends to the bottom of the hill, where there's a predominantly unpaved dirt road which during the rainy season appears more of a stream. There are tell-tale signs of moisture near the bottom of our hill: trees remain green year round, a bit of river reed (carriso) grows near the bottom of our land; a neighbor has healthy banana trees; and he and another neighbor have wells. Our own fruit trees, further up our hill, have traditionally struggled, I assume in part because of the distance to the water table, and of course because of the stone substratum.

Below perhaps a foot of hard earth, our land is pure rock. We knew this when we bought it, and were able to confirm it as we watched workers digging three retaining walls for the house, by hand, excavating several feet down.

I estimated, based on a conversation with one of the lower neighbors, that if we began digging about ? of the way down the hill, we would have to dig a total of about 13 meters in order to reach a sufficient supply of water. The neighbor recommended a diviner / digger. He came by, we told him approximately where we would want to dig, and then he pegged the exact spot using his two lengths of reinforced steel as divining rods. And what if he was wrong? He was pretty old, which did instill a modicum of confidence.

At the time the diviner / well digger's price seemed high, at 3,500 pesos per meter. We'd never checked around and didn't have any friends with well-digging experience to guide us. We then spoke to Rogelio, a bricklayer whom we'd known for a few years. He advised us that he knew someone who knew how to dig a well, and that with him (Rogelio) at the helm, we could work out a weekly rate for a small team. We trusted Rogelio, so asked him to coordinate the digging, which he did.

We actually had a choice of having the well dug by hand, or by a company with well-digging machinery. An architect friend advised to go with the former, indicating that a commercial outfit would first seek municipal permission for the digging, which may or may not be forthcoming, and in any event would entail delays; so the best would be to go with a more informal arrangement. And after all, that's what our neighbors had done - dug their wells by hand, quietly, without fanfare - and no problems with the municipality.

Digging a well by hand, through rock, entails using chisels and mallets, and no more. Some workers use a ladder to descend, while others simply shimmy up and down with the aid of a thick rope.

Manufacturers of concrete forms do a brisk business selling anillos for wells. Personnel at one such company helped me to determine that the rings in our case should be a diameter which would, when inserted into the well cavity, result in an opening of one meter (de la luz - of light). At that time there was never any question of whether or not rings would be needed. I assumed they were necessary, because people always talked about anillos, and while traversing the central valleys of Oaxaca I would see anillos at the top of wells, and lying on the ground alongside well-digging projects. I never considered the quality of ground into which the wells had been dug. Some two years later, after having purchased ten rings, I learned that anillos are most often used when the earth is soft, in order to maintain the required well diameter without risk of collapse. I also learned that their use can actually impede water seepage into the well.

Let the Well Digging Begin in Loma Linda, Oaxaca

Shortly after we had moved to Oaxaca, I went to a rare contents sale with a friend, and amongst other things purchased a job lot of nails, chisels, hammers and mallets, figuring that in the course of the balance of my lifetime, some of it would be useful. I had already learned to be much handier around the house than I had been the previous 53 years. Now I had more of the supplies that I used to come across in my father's garage.

Rogelio, in consultation with the well digger, comprised a list of materials for me to acquire: ropes, a longer ladder, and buckets. I already had the mallets, and it was just a matter of finding an ironworker (herrero) with the machinery necessary to forge points and flat surfaces on the chisels. I had wrongly assumed that every herrero possessed all such equipment.

Digging began in January, 2008. I instructed:

"Start digging here, where those couple of rocks are lying on the ground; not over there, not over there, it has to be right here, because that's what the diviner said. Ensure that the diameter all the way down is at least ten centimeters wider than the outside diameter of those rings over there. We have to be able to lower them down."

The work week on construction sites for Monday through Friday is traditionally 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an hour for lunch and usually a couple of impromptu short breaks. Payday is every Saturday at 1 - 2 p.m., when workers leave for the weekend. Work proceeded reasonably well for a number of weeks, without incident, although I had already begun to regret the weekly pay arrangement rather than a fixed amount per meter. It seems as though construction workers will make what they expect they should make, regardless of the arrangement. The difference is that if you pay by the project, or in this case by the meter, you know as best possible what your cost will be. If it's by the week, you're at the mercy of your trabjadores and their work ethic.

Mid-digging we decided to leave Oaxaca for a few days, not anticipating being back until late Saturday or Sunday. Friends were minding the house for us. We gave them the weekly pay for the crew, and asked them to pay the money to the boss (in our mind, clearly Rogelio) on Saturday afternoon. Our friend gave the money to the wrong person - the well digger, instead of Rogelio who would traditionally take all the money and pay himself and the two workers. The well digger ran away with the money for all three. Upon our return from our brief vacation we learned of what had happened, and while Rogelio knew the well digger and in fact had coordinated with him to work on our job, the scoundrel was nowhere to be found, and certainly not at his home.

It's not totally uncommon for this kind of thing to happen, right down to the culprit failing to return home, and hiding out elsewhere, often in his village in another part of the state.

We felt bad for Rogelio, and he felt bad for himself, recognizing that the obligation was his to track down the thief, since he had been working for us based on Rogelio's assurance of his honesty. We suspended work, and never did hear from Rogelio about the outcome, although he has returned to our home to do more traditional bricklayer jobs.

To Every Time, There is a Season: A Season to Dig, A Season to Suspend

In order to get a true reading of the volume of water one can expect to extract from a well, at the worst of times, the digging should proceed and certainly conclude as close to the end of the dry season as possible. That's when the water table is the lowest. Digging during the rainy season is more difficult (though the ground is softer), and certainly concluding the digging during or after the rainy season does not provide an accurate measure of the water one can expect to be able to obtain from the well when times are tough - very dry. A friend finished digging a well a couple of years earlier, only to learn that he had not completed the work late enough in the dry season. He then had to dig a further three meters. Even after this additional work, he learned that there was not sufficient water for the needs of his family and workshop, even after having dug deeper.

It's not uncommon for Oaxacans to have to dig down deeper every so often, as changes to the water table occur, for I would imagine a couple of main reasons; more wells having been dug close by, and climactic change. Another friend initially had a nine meter well, and now it's 13 meters.

We had become both jaded, and admittedly a bit lax about the whole thing, nevertheless feeling a greater sense of urgency as the months passed. Media reports and advisories from ADOSAPACO, the water commission, contributed to our increasing anxiety. We lamented our unfortunate experience to a neighbor. Amador had done odd jobs around the house for us, such as watering plants while we were away, weeding our garden and planting corn, beans and squash. He was trustworthy, to the point where we had called upon his wife and daughter to baby sit for guests in the house with young children.

Amador was a teacher. However, given teachers' salaries, he was always open to working on projects which would enable him to make extra cash. Amador agreed to continue digging the well, on his own, for 3,000 pesos per meter. Sometimes one of his sons would accompany him. He had no experience, except that he knew how to descend and ascend a ladder, and use a hammer and chisel. His son would lift the broken stone in the bucket using the pulley, and if he wasn't available, Amador would do it all himself.

The 2009 rainy season was about to begin. Amador exclaimed at the conclusion of a weekend day that he felt humidity at one side of the well, now at about six meters. There had always been concerns: what if there isn't water down there, or what if we have to go twenty meters. Amador assured us that what he felt wasn't simply a consequence of the commencement of the rains. At the same time he asked us for more money, stating that it was becoming more difficult, and now dangerous, being down so deep, and with rain loosening the rock. I told him that I wasn't prepared to pay more now, but when the project was finished I would bump up the pay retroactively from that point in time (number of meters), to 3,500 pesos.

We became more confident in Amador's assessment that indeed there would be water, when one day he asked us to buy a pump, tubing and other accessories to get the water out of the well so as to enable him to continue digging. I ran out and bought everything Amador had requested, late that Saturday afternoon when the building material supply stores were getting ready to close. So what if it cost another 4,000 pesos in equipment; we were in business; we had water, in our minds a gusher. And if the pump was only provisional in that eventually we would need a higher horsepower more efficient submersible apparatus, then so be it. And when Amador told us that the chisel points had been broken, of course we'd go back to the herrero, with pleasure, and have them forged again.

By chance, about this time, either fortunately or unfortunately we were having some major electrical work done around the house. In Mexico, you're allowed to have more than one hydro meter for a single family home, to reduce your electricity costs. Our builder neglected to tell us this, and more importantly that for a large home, with only one meter, the cost would be significant because one pays a premium for electricity after a certain level of consumption. Our electrician, Maestro Ricardo was changing the wiring so as to accommodate five meters instead of only one. It's akin to income splitting with one's spouse or child to reduce the top marginal tax rate, but perfectly legal.

Maestro Ricardo was working away at dividing our electrical current into different circuits, when I asked him about the advisability of having a meter dedicated to the well pump and a couple of other outlets on our party terrace near the bottom of the hill. He thought it was a wise idea. He suggested a 220 volt outlet rather than 110, and proceeded to do the wiring for our well pump.

Amador worked into the beginning of the rainy season, until he stated he could no longer continue, but would return in three or four months to finish the job. We were at about eight meters, thrilled, and anxious to finish. Our thoughts began to turn to matters such as flow rate and ultimate depth we should go, water analysis, particulars of the pump we would have to install on a permanent basis, and electical current for it, and several other issues which had been pointed out to us over the past couple of years.

Fermin Finishes Digging the Well in Loma Linda, Oaxaca

Amador never returned, even though he continues to be our neighbor. However a friend who had begun digging his own well recommended someone else for us, Fermin. He told me he would not need Fermin to finish his well until about May, 2010, and that we could use him until then, the driest part of the dry season. That served us just fine. We met with Fermin and his son in early 2010, agreed to 3,500 pesos per meter, and a tentative start date. Fermin was the first actual "pozero," or well digger, that we had used. He had dedicated himself to digging wells by hand for the past 17 years, and was teaching his son the trade.

"You'll have to get these chisels sharpened again. They're no good to me like they are. And don't worry about the ladder. We don't need it. I do need some thicker rope, though, and we might need more tubing if you'll want to use the water we pump out to water all your fruit trees."

I went out and made all the purchases, and then some. I purchased "Y" connectors, shut-off valves, and everything else I thought I might need to get the water to both the fruit trees, and hopefully higher up to our flower boxes.

Fermin confirmed that given the quality of the rock he was excavating, we would not need to use the anillos. The stone provided sufficient structural integrity without having to be shored up with concrete. He agreed that using anillos could actually impede water seepage into the well, unless they had large holes in them, and that it just wouldn't be worth the additional expense and effort to adapt and then use them.

Fermin lived up to billing, in short order digging down to over 11 meters. It took over an hour every morning to pump out the water from the night before. Then Fermin disappeared. He just didn't show up one Monday morning, and didn't answer his cellular for a few days. Eventually he did respond, and advised that he'd return in two weeks. Five weeks later he was back, advising that we'd probably have to go another three meters down.

After three or four days of digging, Fermin told me that he would not be returning. He said that it was now taking him about two hours in the morning to pump out the water before he could begin digging, and that there was about five meters of water to be removed. To Fermin that signified that the well would produce sufficient water for our requirements and that there was no need to dig further. To me that meant we had ourselves an honest pozero who could have continued (he didn't have another job pending, since my friend had altered his plans regarding using Fermin in the foreseeable future), but let us know it wasn't necessary for him to continue. As is often the custom with trades in Oaxaca, a brief "discussion" ensured about how much we owed him (measuring his progress by lowering a stone attached to a rope to the bottom of the well, and then using a tape measure), followed by the friendly departure of Fermin & Son.

Looking Ahead to Part II of Digging a Well in Oaxaca

In my next and final installment, I deal with issues such as flow rate, biological analysis, decorative brickwork and custom iron cover, ongoing issues relating to structural integrity, and matters such as pumps and piping, the additional cistern, and whatever else it takes to conclude such an endeavor.

Alvin Starkman together with wife Arlene operates Casa Machaya Oaxaca Bed & Breakfast ( http://www.oaxacadream.com ). Alvin received his masters in social anthropology in 1978, and his law degree in 1984. Thereafter he was a litigator in Toronto until taking early retirement. He and his family were frequent visitors to Oaxaca between 1991 and when they became permanent residents in 2004. Alvin reviews restaurants, writes about life and cultural traditions in Oaxaca, and tours couples and families to the villages.

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